Am I an Influencer?

2 min readFeb 2, 2021


Before we dive in. Influencer marketing is an online PR tactic where brands approach certain individuals to promote their products or services online.

So, Do you own a social media account? post quality pictures or content? have an active following? at least 1K in followers? storytelling and authenticity are your forte?

Hooray! If you have answered yes to at least one of these questions, yes one! you are either a conscious or an unconscious influencer. Conscious because you already know about influencer marketing and taking all the right steps to profit off it, unconscious because you are not profiting off it yet. Either way you are in great company 😃.

Being an influencer begins with creating an online presence, through social media. As your presence grows so does your influence.

Brands are constantly seeking to tell their brand story as creatively as possible and are constantly on the lookout for people like you to help them tell it authentically.

Influencer marketing however should not be confused with celebrity brand endorsements. Unlike celebrities, influencers are often regarded as experts or trusted authorities within a specific community or field of interest and tend to have some knowledge about the products and services they advertise.

If you’ve read this far, we saved the best for last. WHAT IS YOUR NICHÉ OR AREA OF INTEREST? not sure? that’s fine follow us on Instagram @commfluenz_ and watch out for our posts, all about influencer marketing and how to leverage it as an influencer or a brand.

Let’s interact on Instagram and share some more on niché. The table is big enough to accommodate us all.

